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What can be done about unwanted hair?
The method you choose for dealing with unwanted hair
will depend on the number and location of hairs and how
great a problem you perceive this to be.
Temporary Hair Removal Methods:
Shaving - fastest, most temporary; works best on legs
underarms and men's beards.
Tweezing - most popular for contouring eyebrows; also used on upper lip, chin and bikini; may cause skin discoloration and promotes ingrown hairs.
Depilatories - creams containing powerful alkaline agents and may cause reaction; best used on legs.
Waxing - removes a number of hairs at a time and must be repeated every three to eight weeks; may cause skin discoloration and promotes ingrown hairs.
Laser - hair removal is temporary. FDA's clearance identification "is intended to effect temporary removal through selective targeting of melanin (color) in the hair foil ides.
Permanent Hair Removal Methods:
Electrolysis - a low-level electrical current is sent down a very fine sterilized probe inserted along the hair shaft, destroying the papilla and loosening the hair shaft for easy removal.
What causes superfluous hair?
The most common causes of hirsutism (another term for excessive hair) are:
Congenital - Your genetic blueprint determines the amount, location and timing of hair growth. Mediterranean and Middle East ancestry has a greater tendency toward facial and body hair.
Systemic - Hormonal or other internal problems may result in unwanted body or facial hair and if suspected, your Electrologist will refer you for a medical evaluation
Medications - Two of the most common medications that may cause abnormalhair growth are steroids and birth control pills.
Q & A
From what parts of the "body can hair be removed?
From any part except within the ear and nose. With a faster new method we are able to clear even such large areas as arms and legs at reasonable cost.
Do physicians recommend Electrolysis?
Yes! Physicians, who understand the benefits of electrolysis, recommend electrolysis to those patients concerned about superfluous hair. Many are referred to us by their doctors.
Does Electrolysis hurt?
Very little, if at all. There's a slight feeling of warmth at the follicle when current is applied, lasting but an instant. The "Blend" method which we use is adjustable to many different comfort levels within its effective range for permanent hair removal.
Are there any after-effects?
Occasionally there is a little redness of the skin, which quickly fades. This reaction usually lasts about 30 minutes to one hour or less.
Can it leave marks or scars?
Not when administered by skilled technicians. It's safe for even the most delicate skin. If you've been tweezing or waxing for some time, the treatment may actually smooth and improve your skin.
How long does a treatment take?
The length of treatment depends entirely on the area to be cleared it's size, location and density of growth.
How often do I come for treatments?
This of course depends on how much hair is being treated. The number of treatments required can be determined only by expert examination.
Is hair removal by Electrolysis really permanent?
Absolutely. Hair cannot grow without a root or blood supply. Once the hair root has been completely sterilized, it is impossible for any further growth to come from the treated area.
Is there any chance of re-growth?
In same cases, more treatments to each follicle may be necessary to achieve PERMANENCY. The coarser the hair, the deeper the hair. Re-growth hair (depending on the coarseness) is thinner and more fragile with each treatment.
Is permanent hair removal expensive?
Not any more. Specialization and development of new equipment has brought the cost of this one-time "luxury" down to almost anyone's means. Weighed against the future hours you will not be spending removing hair temporarily, Electrolysis is perhaps the least expensive cosmetic service you will ever employ......particularly in view of it's permanent improvement.